Mother's Day Bouquet
Mother's Day Bouquet
Celebrate Mom or Grandma this Mother's Day with this unique bouquet. Carefully crafted from wood, this bouquet is sure to bring a smile to their face. Show them how much you care with this exclusive Mother's Day gift. These bouquets are engraved with flowers and can be personalized with a “From: Name”.
The little ones can use paint, crayons, or markers to decorate the bouquet or it can be gifted as is with the natural wood.
This card does not come with a stand, but if you would like to put it on a wall we recommend using 3M strips or having it lean on a shelf.
Card Sizes: Approximately 6" tall
Each sign is handmade from a piece of natural wood which will contain knots, grain and textures that make each piece unique.
Current Processing Time: Our current processing time is 5-7 business days. If you need an order rushed, please contact us before placing your order.
Thank you in advance for your support